Silent Performance SEASONSFREUDE, Vienna, Austria

Silent Performance, Kim Okura SEASONSFREUDE #seasonsfreude VIE AUT December 24, 2023

Today, in Vienna, Austria, Kim Okura distributed a total of 1111 uplifting memories, also referred to by the artist as “condos for your souls” or as tiny “happy place portals.

Foot march starting point and stops:
◉⁠ Walk starting point, Wiedner Werkstätte, 1050 VIE 11 am
◉⁠ Wiedner Hauptstr. Karlsplatz, Oper, Kärntnerstr., Stephansplatz, Seilergasse, Spiegelgasse, Albertina
◉⁠ Walk end point, Wiedner Werkstätte, 1050 VIE 3.20 pm

Kim Okura
Kim Okura, Art Performance “Seasonsfreude” 2023

Text from social media post:

Catch me if you can.
Or if you want one of this beautiful conversation pieces
with a very personal and intimate message.

Topic: art performance metta mettaletter okuraeen joytrophies joytrophy newart condosforyoursoul artportal artportals kimokura vienna artperformance newart newtradition joy a joyfulday

Kim Okura Happy Place Portals, Metta Briefe, Seasonsfreude Silent Art Performance
Kim Okura – Happy Place Portals, Metta Briefe, Joytrophies, Silent Art Performance “Seasonsfreude” Dezember 2023, Vienna AUT
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