HERBARIVM – luxurious witnesses to our natural heritage – Vario Monotypienen (Unikat Originaldruckgrafiken) oil or linol on Hahnemühle, different formats, current selection: Grünschwarzgingkoportale (A3 oil), Schwarzverliebtesalpenveilchenportale (A3 oil), Schwarzlavendelfeldportale (A3 oil), Schwarzblaublattfunkieportale (A2 oil), Schwarzfruchtgötterbaumportale (A2 oil), Schwarzkirschlorbeerportale (A2 oil), Pfingstrosenschwarzblätterportale (A2 oil), Schwarzgefüllteweinblätterportale (A2 linol), Schwarzfrauenfarnportale (A2 linol), Schwarzfeigenblätterportale (A2 linol), Aglaonemascindapsusmonsteraportals Black (A2 linol) and Blackveitchiiportals (A2 linol) 2021, Green Burdock Leaves Portals (A2 linol), Green Carduus Cirsium Portals (A2 linol), Blue Foxglove Tree Portals (A2 linol) — All of this handprinted unique VARIO MONOTYPIEN PORTALS are from Okura’s printsessions in her Wiedner Werkstätte Studio in Vienna, Austria. Each of them has additionally a hand drawn Okuraeen stamp with signatur, date and catalogue number and partially Add-ons (goodies) with colored pencil or oil base pen on the front and verso a handwritten colophon.

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