E1 ̄ᴥ ̄ E VAN DOG 2022 – OKURITA Serie EMBRACE

title: E1 ̄ᴥ ̄
also known as EVANDOG, E VAN DOG, E1🐕


approx. 70 cm (H total) x 35 cm (B) x 35 cm (T)

EMBRACE material e.g. Metta Letters usw. … on Kaltporzellan, signiert “KOK 16.7.2022”

wooden base with red twine and SFO Signet (Spiritus Faber Okura seal)


E1 ̄ᴥ ̄ ( E1DOG or EVANDOG or E1🐕 )

E=Embrace, also die ganze Serie

Van=wie im Niedersächsischen als Präposition

=In dem Fall “DOG” als Synonym für Konditionierung

bei den Embrace 🟥 Arbeiten und generell. In meinem Leben, in deinem Leben, im Weltgeschehen. In der Weltgeschichte.

this group of works (OKURITAS) is regarded as a station in the usual material parkour of e.g. NEOSACRAL, EMBRACE, HEREBARIVM etc. at the same time, the sculptures should be seen as an independent further group of works (as certain topics are also examined here)


Okurita Okurita, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame your joyfull symmetry?

_________________________________ inspired by and a hommage to William Blake





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